O1: PCT - Three Points to Cloudburst Summit Out and Back Register

Date and Time:
Sat, Jun 29, 2024; 8:00 AM

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06/29/2024 8:00 AM
O1: PCT - Three Points to Cloudburst Summit Out and Back

Join us for a moderate (10.4 mile RT / 1800 ft gain/loss) hike along the Pacific Crest Trail. After meeting at the La Canada Rideshare at 8 am, we will caravan/carpool to the Three Points trailhead. (Note that there are pit toilets available at the trailhead.) From there, we will start hiking southbound on the Pacific Crest Trail, likely encountering thru-hikers along the way! At this point, northbound hikers have been on the trail for 400 miles and are hitting their stride (and are possibly on their second pair of shoes). A few miles in, we will pass Camp Glenwood and can pause for a brief snack break amongst the pines before continuing on to our lunch spot and turnaround point, Cloudburst Summit. The trail in this area has an overall moderate gradient and is extremely pleasant this time of year. After lunch, we will go back the way we came and should arrive back at the cars between 2 and 3pm. If you have always wanted to do a hike on the Pacific Crest Trail, this is a great one to start with!

Three Points Trailhead

Webinar URL:

34.34331000,-117.98326000 Jennifer Dooley jencdooley@gmail.com MM/DD/yyyy amOUuwqNAzpGSXwtHmnd12740

Organized By: Angeles Chp Gay and Lesbian

Location: Three Points Trailhead

Map | Directions

Event Organizers:
Jennifer Dooley
   (949) 939-3437
Nancy Beverly
   (818) 681-5192

Join us for a moderate (10.4 mile RT / 1800 ft gain/loss) hike along the Pacific Crest Trail.  After meeting at the La Canada Rideshare at 8 a.m., we will caravan/carpool to the Three Points trailhead.  (Note that there are pit toilets available at the trailhead.) From there, we’ll start hiking southbound on the Pacific Crest Trail, likely encountering thru-hikers along the way!  At this point, northbound hikers have been on the trail for 400 miles and are hitting their stride (and are possibly on their second pair of shoes).  A few miles in, we’ll pass Camp Glenwood and can pause for a brief snack break amongst the pines before continuing on to our lunch spot and turnaround point, Cloudburst Summit.  The trail in this area has an overall moderate gradient and is extremely pleasant this time of year.  After lunch, we will go back the way we came and should arrive back at the cars between 2 and 3pm. If you’ve always wanted to do a hike on the Pacific Crest Trail, this is a great one to start with!

Bring at least two liters of water, snacks, sturdy hiking shoes, and sun protection.  Meet at La Canada rideshare at 8 a.m., ready to caravan at 8:15am sharp.  Well-behaved dogs on leash are ok. Rain or extreme weather cancels.  This is a back country hike, which requires a completed and signed medical form. Help save time by going to this link, printing out the form and filling it out ahead of time: medical form For questions, contact Jen at 949-939-3437 or jencdooley@gmail.com.

COVID - No COVID-19 test or vaccination is required for this outing. Participants may be vaccinated or unvaccinated. You are welcome to wear a mask if it makes you comfortable. Please stay home if you are sick or experiencing any COVID symptoms.  Though no testing is required, we ask that anyone who is symptomatic or has tested positive for COVID and is within the CDC’s recommended isolation period not show up to the office or any event/activity.


Level: Moderate

Carpool: Meet at La Canada rideshare at 8 am, ready to caravan at 8:15am sharp. Rideshare location and directions: Corner of Chehalem Rd and Flanders Rd in La Canada. Exit 210 freeway at Rte 2 / Angeles Crest Hwy. Go North (uphill) 1/4 mi on Rte2, park at curb on right, on the long, wide, straight uphill section along Angeles Crest Highway. Please do not park in front of houses.

Note: Carpool transportation is at the sole risk of the participants.

Cancellation Policy: Steady rain cancels

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