Minnesota's government should do right by its people and protect our communities and natural resources—not polluting companies.
We all need clean air and clean water to live healthy lives. Fortunately, our legislators have passed laws to protect Minnesotans and our environment. In some cases, those laws need to be strengthened.
But when state officials refuse to enforce existing laws, we all lose. It is the job of several state agencies (MPCA, DNR, Department of Health, the Department of Agriculture, and more) to use existing laws to protect us from corporate polluters. Today, even when laws are strong, those agencies are failing us. The problem is “polluter capture” of state agencies, where corporate polluters have too much influence over how they are regulated.
Sign the petition and urge State Legislators to make agencies do right by Minnesotans and stop giving in to polluters. We’re asking State Legislators to exercise their oversight power and hold public hearings to scrutinize the outsized polluter influence on our state agencies’ decisions.