Support the right to know if your food was grown with sewage sludge

Truck spreading sludge on farm fields
Did you know some of the food you eat may be grown on farmland where municipal and industrial sewage sludge is spread? Where your crops are grown and farm animals graze? Chances are you did not. Nonetheless, food is grown across this country in municipal/industrial sewage sludge. Compost used to grow crops that contains this sludge can contain thousands of contaminants and some pathogens. 
Plants and animals can take up some of the contaminants.  These toxins then pass up the food chain, creating potential health problems.  The sludge on farmland and in compost can be harmful to humans, wildlife and pets to eat, touch and breathe.  
Therefore, it is vital food and compost contaminated by sewage sludge be labeled on a national scale, and passage of the Sludge in Food Notifications Act, HR 2064, sponsored by New York Congressman Jose Serrano, would help to make this a reality.


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