Stop a Dow Chemical pesticide executive from becoming chief scientist of the USDA!

A pesticide sprayer

Tell your U.S. Senators to deny Trump's efforts to appoint the head of Dow’s pesticide division as chief scientist of the USDA. Scott Hutchins' career advocacy for dangerous pesticides has left women, children, and farmworkers especially vulnerable to the impacts of his company's products -- while exposing our food supply to even more harmful chemicals.

Pesticide pollution of our water, soil, and air is unacceptable and a toxic agrochemical executive is deeply inappropriate for a chief scientist role at our federal agricultural regulatory agency that is supposed to protect the public. This is Trump's third Dow Chemical nomination to the USDA and it must be stopped before the hearing on November 28! 

**Add a personal message in your own words to strengthen your signature and show your Senators you are paying very close attention** 


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