Pledge to get outdoors and advocate for access to nature

Today, far too many communities suffer from polluted air, contaminated water, and a lack of access to open spaces. Fewer than half of all people in the United States live within walking distance of a park. The greatest disparities in access are found in low-income neighborhoods and communities of color, clearly highlighted by examples of exclusion in pools and other recreation spaces. For those without cars or reliable public transportation, access to parks and open spaces is even further limited.
Research shows the positive health benefits of time spent in nature. It also improves learning and strengthens our communities. Adding more green space can even help mitigate some of the impacts of climate change. Yet far too few people have safe access to nearby nature.
No matter where you live, everyone deserves to breathe fresh air, drink clean water, and benefit from a connection to nature. Pledge to get outdoors and to promote access to nature. There are many ways to get involved:

  • Volunteer at a school or community garden
  • Walk to work or to your next errand
  • Talk to local leaders about how important it is that the outdoors be safe and available for all communities
  • Share this pledge with family and friends to spread the word

Sierra Club Military Outdoors participants jumping on the beach


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By clicking continue, you will also receive periodic communications from the Sierra Club. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Photo credit: Larry Goldstein