Toma Acción: Firma esta petición para ayudar comunidades en la lucha por aire y agua limpio


We need your signature to help the Brownsville community conserve clean air and clean water for future generations and curb the polluting effect of industrial plants and maquiladoras. Brownsville could become home to three Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) export terminals. An industry that will bring an estimated air pollution of 1 million tons. The type of pollution that causes cancer.

Tell the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) that you oppose the construction of any LNG plant in South Texas. These projects are proposed because they could endanger the health of communities throughout Texas, damage the local environment of South Texas, destroy indigenous cultural sites and damage local industries such as shrimp, fishing and ecotourism.

Sign this petition to help families and communities fight for the rights to clean air and pollution-free water, to live, work and play in a healthy environment.


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