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We're joining our partners at the Outdoors Alliance for Kids (OAK) in launching the Every Kid Outdoors in State Parks campaign so that more youth can access their state parks, and we need your help to make it happen!

The Every Kid Outdoors program has expanded access to national park sites for millions of fourth graders. But for every national park, there are hundreds of close-to-home state parks and beaches with entrance fees. A handful of states have already adopted the Every Kid Outdoors (EKO) national pass for use in their state park systems or have created their own pass, but over 35 states have entrance fees and do not accept the pass. This means a fourth grader in Pueblo, Colorado, one of the lowest-income cities in the nation, would have to travel an hour and a half to use their EKO pass at the nearest national park, but would have to pay to get into Lake Pueblo State Park, just outside of town.

OAK believes every child should be able to access America’s incredible, unparalleled network of national, state, local, and regional parks, regardless of their ability to pay. That’s why we’re launching the Every Kid Outdoors in State Parks campaign, and we need your help to make it happen!

We’re gearing up to ask governors to expand access to state park systems, accept the Every Kid Outdoors pass in state parks, and promote the federal pass. Sign up to receive a complete campaign toolkit and stay in the loop on opportunities to support the campaign in your state.

The Outdoors Alliance for Kids (OAK) is a national strategic partnership of over 100 businesses and organizations working to connect children, youth and families to the outdoors. Sierra Club is a founding organization and Steering Committee member of OAK. Learn more about OAK here!


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By clicking continue, you will also receive periodic communications from the Sierra Club. You can unsubscribe at any time.

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