Protect our ecosystems and the species that rely on them -- demand a strong National Biodiversity Strategy!

Our planet and nation are facing an alarming and catastrophic biodiversity crisis, largely driven by human actions. Habitat loss, overexploitation of wildlife, climate change, invasive species, and pollution are the five major drivers of the loss of biodiversity.

Scientists around the world have warned that one million species are at risk of extinction, and in North America alone, nearly 3 billion birds have disappeared since 1970. This is a devastating loss. 

Urge your Representative to co-sponsor Rep. Neguse’s resolution (H.Res. 69) calling for a national strategy to address the biodiversity crisis! 

A national biodiversity strategy would elevate the biodiversity crisis to the level that it should be, and encompass a comprehensive “whole-of-government” approach to tackling species extinction. This strategy should include enforcing and fully funding the Endangered Species Act, undoing Trump rollbacks to the Endangered Species Act and protection of endangered species such as gray wolves, promoting new laws and policies to protect biodiversity and turn back the extinction crisis, permanently protecting 30% of our nation’s remaining intact lands and waters by 2030, and coordination among all levels of government, Tribes and landowners to halt the biodiversity crisis.


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