Tell BlackRock and Vanguard to Vote For Climate Action

The world’s two largest asset managers, BlackRock and Vanguard, are top shareholders of nearly every major company in the world. This gives them an enormous opportunity and responsibility to hold companies accountable for their climate record and to demand action.

After years of calling out BlackRock as the world’s largest investor in fossil fuels, we’ve moved the company to make several big commitments to act on climate. BlackRock is now pledging to achieve net zero emissions across its entire portfolio by 2050. In turn, the world’s next largest asset manager, Vanguard, is slowly getting off the sidelines and committing to net zero by 2050 as well. These are important signs that our collective pressure is working, but these companies’ vague and distant promises won’t cut it without immediate action. 

To be climate leaders, BlackRock and Vanguard must vote in favor of critical climate shareholder resolutions and vote out board directors at companies driving climate destruction. This shareholder meeting season is full of critical climate votes that we’ll be watching closely, including several key votes at big polluters and banks that can turn the tide on climate progress. These votes will be a major test of investors’ climate commitments.

Send a message to BlackRock and Vanguard executives to urge them to vote for bold climate action now!


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