Pollution from buildings hit a record high in 2022, contributing to 9% of direct greenhouse gas emissions. Residential and commercial heating appliances are a significant source of these pollutants that directly harm human health when inhaled.
Last year, we joined 25 other organizations to formally petition the EPA to regulate outdoor air emissions from buildings, but the agency has not responded to our demands. They must act to protect our health.State and local air districts in Texas, Utah, and California have already proposed or enacted similar standards for NOx pollution from heating appliances. It's time to set similar limits nationwide for the health and wellbeing of all of us, no matter where we live or what our background is.
Our new report, “The Outdoor Pollution is Coming From Inside the House: National Building Pollution Report,” shows the health and climate impacts of burning gas, propane, and oil under our roofs. It also reveals that this pollution disproportionately burdens vulnerable populations including children, the elderly, low-income communities, communities of color, renters, and individuals with pre-existing health conditions.
Sign the petition to urge the EPA to set strong safeguards for such polluting systems like furnaces and water heaters -- for healthier homes and healthier families!
Don't forget to add your own personal comment for why this is important to you to make an even stronger impact.