Demand President Biden Stop a Disastrous LNG Project

The battle to end dangerous liquified “natural" gas (LNG) expansion is facing its biggest threat yet – a toxic fracked gas methane facility called CP2. 

CP2 is proposed to sit on the Louisiana coast and would be one of the largest liquified natural gas facilities in the U.S., emitting an amount of greenhouse gasses equal to 50 coal-fired power plants.

We are at a pivotal moment where the decisions made by the Biden Administration and the Department of Energy will shape our climate future. It's up to us to get them to stop this and other dangerous gas export projects and do the right thing for a safe and livable future. 

Right now, this facility will be asking the Department of Energy to grant them a permit to export gas through their terminals. Such a license can only be approved if an export is in "the public interest." We need your help to provide the public pressure necessary to prove this project is not what the public wants at all. 

Here are compelling reasons to include in your comment to the Biden Administration and the Department of Energy about why these projects are NOT in the "public interest": 

  • They aren’t supported by local shrimpers and fishermen, citing the likelihood that it will wipe out their way of life because LNG export facilities require heavy dredging of channels and rivers, devastating wildlife and commercial fishing in the process. 
  • We know exporting LNG is a dirty and dangerous energy source, and it doesn’t lower emissions or help us transition to clean energy -- stopping the expansion of the gas export industry is an important step in the fight for a sustainable future.
  • The US is the world's largest exporter of oil and gas and it is impossible for us to achieve our climate goals by continuing to approve more export facilities. Enough is enough. 
  • Exporting more LNG drives up home heating and energy prices and other goods for Americans! 

LNG is a triple threat posing a danger to local communities, exacerbating the climate crisis, and driving up energy prices – and it cannot be ignored that methane is one of the dirtiest fuels on the planet! 

If President Biden wants to achieve his climate, environmental justice, national security, and economic goals, he needs to stop approving more gas exports.

Take action with us today!


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