I support offshore wind for a clean energy future!

Between March and August, a crucial set of lease areas for offshore wind development will be up for bid in New England. Offshore wind represents an incredible opportunity to meet power demands and climate goals at the same time. The average wind turbine that came online in 2020 generated enough electricity in just 46 minutes to power an average U.S. home for one month. In addition, 2 out of 3 coastal residents in New England support developing offshore wind.

The benefits of offshore wind for the region would lead to healthier communities, stronger economies, and local green jobs. Dirty coal energy and fracked gas pollute the environment, our homes, and our buildings. We have a solution and it's here and it's wind and we need you to send a message to your governor.

Add your name to voice your support for responsibly-sited, equitably developed offshore wind power!


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