Be a Hero for Our Rivers, Salmon, and Orca: Urge your members of Congress to secure funding for Columbia River Basin salmon and steelhead restoration!

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Help us secure crucial congressional funding for the Columbia River Basin's salmon and steelhead restoration and ensure the future of these vital ecosystems.

Last year marked a milestone with a historic agreement between the Biden Administration and regional stakeholders to bolster salmon recovery efforts in the Columbia and Snake rivers. This initiative, known as the Columbia Basin Restoration Initiative (CBRI), aims to prevent the extinction of salmon and steelhead by restoring healthy populations throughout the Columbia Basin. It focuses on modernizing infrastructure, boosting local economies, and upholding treaty obligations with Tribal Nations. 

With the U.S. Government's commitments in support of the CBRI, we've laid a solid groundwork for reviving the region's salmon and steelhead. However, to transform these plans into reality, securing critical funding from Congress is now imperative.

The agreement not only outlines a strategy for rejuvenating the lower Snake River and replacing the services of its dams but also pinpoints high-priority projects essential for the recovery and habitat restoration of salmon and steelhead in both the Snake and Columbia Rivers and their Mid-Columbia tributaries. As we embark on implementing this agreement, obtaining necessary appropriations from Congress for the fiscal year 2025 becomes crucial. President Biden's budget proposal for FY25 includes significant provisions for these efforts, but it's up to us to ensure Congress allocates the funds needed for these high-priority recovery projects. Join us in urging Northwest congressional representatives to commit to funding the Columbia River Basin's restoration and the crucial efforts to revive its salmon and steelhead populations.

Wild male and female red salmon in river before spawning in symmetric position via iStock


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