Ask the Biden Administration to Safeguard the Western Arctic: Expand Protections, Build on Conservation Success

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We have a pivotal moment to protect millions of acres in the abundant yet fragile Western Arctic.

Now is the time to act. Your voice can make a crucial difference in urging the BLM to safeguard the wildlife and communities that rely on this irreplaceable landscape. By adding a personalized comment, you’ll help ensure that the Biden Administration continues to strengthen its conservation legacy, securing lasting protections for generations to come.

Leverage the Biden Administration's recent historic move to protect over 13 million acres of this irreplaceable landscape by encouraging further protections for the Western Arctic.

Highlight its ecological, cultural, and subsistence importance, and emphasize the need for expanded and connected protected areas to safeguard the region from industrialization for the benefit of wildlife and Alaska Native communities.


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A large caribou stands to the left, staring toward the viewer. Large antlers swoop upward into the sky. The caribou stands in a field of short brown feathery plants. Photo by Bob Wick, Bureau of Land Management