Tell the Dept. of Transportation to fix their flooding mistake!

Expanding our highways should not come at the expense of surrounding communities.

In 2018, U.S. Highway 84 was elevated and expanded to 4 lanes through parts of rural south Alabama. This project left Shiloh -- a historically Black community -- in a bowl, directing rainwater from the highway straight into nearby residences. Families who have lived here for generations are suddenly dealing with their homes flooding regularly, overflowing septic tanks, and yards turned into lakes. And with the increasing frequency of extreme weather due to climate change, the risk to residents is only growing.

Shiloh has had to endure the chronic flooding caused by irresponsible infrastructure construction for far too long, and it’s time to make things right.

Send a message to Secretary Pete Buttigieg and his Department of Transportation calling for them to use their oversight authority to leverage federal transportation funding to correct the flooding and pipeline problem in Shiloh. 

P.S. Personalize comments make a HUGE impact on decision makers! Please consider adding your own message to say why you want ALDOT to support flooding remediation in your own words. Some information people often add includes:

  • Personal stories related to the issue
  • Job or career area
  • Town or city of residence
  • Why this issue matters to you!


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