Tell Biden: It's Time to Shut Down Dirty & Dangerous Pipelines

Mountain Valley Pipeline-Mountain Valley Watch, POWHR Coalition-2020-attribution required.jpeg

Together, we're building a future without fossil fuels where our communities can breathe clean air and thrive in a stable climate. To do so, we must stop the expansion of gas and oil – which can't get anywhere without pipelines. 

Right now, we have the momentum to shut down dirty pipelines. This year alone:

  • Over 150,000 changemakers like you submitted comments urging President Biden to shut down Enbridge's risky Line 5 pipeline. 
  • Hundreds of activists rallied in DC to demand that the Army Corps of Engineers stop the Dakota Access Pipeline. 
  • Activists have put their bodies on the line to resist the construction of the Mountain Valley Pipeline.

We can power our world with abundant clean energy, not more pipelines carrying polluting fossil fuels!

Add your name: Urge President Biden to shut down oil and gas pipelines before leaving office.


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Photo by Mountain Valley Watch/POWHR Coalition