Add your name: Pledge to fight back against Trump

There's no sugarcoating this. A second Trump presidency will be hard and dangerous. But we are not powerless. As we grieve, we also recommit to fighting back to protect our communities and our future, to do everything we can to block Trump and his extreme agenda, and to defend and build on the progress we've made. We will be a force of nature.

Now, we must again stand together to fight back.

During Trump's first term, the Sierra Club fought relentlessly to defend against his administration's attacks on climate progress, our communities, and clean air and water. We will challenge Trump's dangerous proposals in court and keep the pressure on banks and big corporations to clean up their act. Our work on a local level will be more critical than ever. Sierra Club is already mobilizing our 64 chapters and millions of members and volunteers nationwide to continue to make progress. 

The transition from dirty fossil fuels to affordable clean energy is already underway. All the progress our movement has made over the last four years can't be erased, even with a climate denier in the White House. 

Will you join us in defending our communities, our climate, and our future as we fight back against this dangerous administration?


signatures of 50000 goal

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