Help Strengthen Grizzly Protections!

Docket Number: FWS-R6-ES-2024-0186-0001

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recently announced that it would continue protecting grizzly bears under the Endangered Species Act, which was a huge win! At the same time, the agency proposed changing how this species is managed, which could result in bears being harmed or killed, right as their populations have begun to recover. 

Specifically, this proposal seeks to make it easier for federal, state and private land managers to kill grizzly bears they have deemed "problematic." What defines a "problem bear" and which management actions are allowable against them are up in the air. The proposal also seeks to draw boundary lines around bear populations, leaving some unprotected by the Endangered Species Act.  

TAKE ACTION NOW! Send a comment to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service asking them to keep grizzly bear protections as strong as possible.


More information: this action alert will deliver your comment directly to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. You can edit the message directly in the message box. We strongly encourage making your comment your own! Feel free to use the below prompts and talking points (you might want to draft your comment somewhere else and come back to this page to submit when you're ready – note that there is a character limit of 4,000 characters). If you need to close this page, you can quickly reopen it by visiting


  • Do you live or visit an area where grizzly bears can be found?
  • Why is grizzly bear conservation important to you? (When you think of this issue, are you concerned about the ecosystem impacts of losing grizzlies? Do you want to make sure this iconic species is still around for your children/grandchildren/great-grandchildren?)


  • Grizzly bears are an iconic keystone species that deserve the strongest levels of protection.
  • I strongly support the USFWS decision to keep grizzly bears listed on the Endangered Species List. 
  • When considering management options, I strongly encourage that the USWFS follows the best available science to ensure the continued recovery of this iconic species. 
  • As you make decisions about land management, it is critical that you take into consideration connectivity and the importance of ensuring grizzlies' ability to freely move without threat within the landscape.
  • On the ground management of grizzly bears should prioritize co-existence without the use of lethal action. 
  • Increasing management flexibility and allowing for increased take of grizzly bears could jeopardize the incredible progress already made towards recovery of the species
  • While the proposed distinct population segment (DPS) allows for a holistic approach to grizzly bear management, removing protections for bears outside of this area could potentially lead to the killing of bears as they continue to recover and extend their range.
  • It is critical that there are ample protections in place to help foster connectivity and movement, a critical component to ensuring genetic diversity in the lower 48 population of grizzly bears.


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