Tell the Senate: STOP This Harmful Forest Bill!


One of the first bills to pass the House in the 119th Congress was the "Fix Our Forests Act." This bill, which is named to sound like a good thing, is actually a harmful bill in disguise. The bill makes it easier for loggers to thin forests on public land by bypassing environmental reviews and public input. 

Unfortunately, the January 2025 wildfires in LA made it easier for Republicans to drum up fear and push this bill through the House under the false promises that thinning forests will prevent these fires. But the science says the opposite: the LA fires originated in brushy urban areas and were driven by high winds and drought, which no amount of logging could have prevented. Instead, we need federal policies that provide funding and support for home hardening measures in at risk communities, which has been shown to be the most effective way to save homes and lives in the event of a wildfire.

Send a message to your Senators telling them to STOP this harmful bill once it is introduced in the Senate.


More information: this action alert will deliver your comment directly to your Senators. You can edit the message directly in the message box or add a personal message in the top box. We strongly encourage making your comment your own! Feel free to use the below prompts (note that there is a character limit of 4,000 characters).


  • Why are forests important to you? (Do you live near a national forest? Are you interested in protecting old-growth trees for future generations? Are you a birder or a hiker that enjoys getting out in nature? Are you a climate scientist that understands the importance of forests for mitigating climate change?)
  • Are there specific forests in your state that you want to mention as examples to your Senators?


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