It's time to break up with plastics. Support the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act.


We need big systemic change that addresses the root cause of plastic pollution. A new report reveals that 20 companies -- including ExxonMobil and Dow Chemical -- produce 55% of the world's plastic waste.

The Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act is comprehensive legislation that holds the big plastic manufacturers and polluters responsible, rather than consumers or communities. It pauses construction on any new plastic-making facilities. It begins to phase out single-use plastic products that aren't recyclable.

Plastic pollution is killing wildlife and ending up in our oceans, waterways, and even food. It's also driving the climate crisis as 99% of plastic is made from fossil fuels. And with manufacturing facilities located in low-income communities of color, it disproportionately harms Black and brown residents. The report makes clear that the fossil fuel industry has created a plastic boom, especially as fossil fuel demand continues to drop.

At every stage of its lifecycle, plastic exacerbates the climate crisis and continues environmental injustices. Companies and our elected leaders must put the health of people and the planet ahead of polluter profit. Tell Congress: pass the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act now! 


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