Urge Congress to cosponsor the Transit to Trails Act!

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The Transit to Trails Act (H.R. 3092 and S. 1440) seeks to increase access to nature for underserved communities by creating and expanding public transportation.

Outdoor access provides numerous mental and physical health benefits. One study showed that even just 20 minutes spent in a local park helps kids concentrate better in school. But not everyone is privileged enough to have access to a local park. People of color and low-income families in cities across the U.S. are significantly less likely to live near a park or green space. 

That’s where transportation grant programs can come in. Communities who have less access to green space and public lands would benefit from transportation alternatives and bus routes to trailheads and green spaces.

The Sierra Club is working to ensure that everyone can access the great outdoors via affordable, accessible transit -- and your support can make a difference!

Urge your legislators to cosponsor this bill to and support increased transportation access to public lands!


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