Loxahatchee Group What does Water Want? Register

Date and Time:
Thu, May 23, 2024; 7:30 PM

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05/23/2024 7:30 PM
Loxahatchee Group What does Water Want?

And Why We Must Learn To Respect That.

Webinar URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88002462124

Linda Smithe destinationloop@gmail.com MM/DD/yyyy amOUuwqNAzpGSXwtHmnd12740

Organized By: Loxahatchee Group

Location: Virtual

Event Organizers:
Linda Smithe
   (561) 676-0277
Meryl Davids
   (954) 612-5320

What Does Water Want? 
And Why We Must Learn to Respect That.
User-added image User-added image
photo credit to Jill Beale

Join us for a fascinating Zoom Thursday, May 23, 2024, 7:30 PM, Zoom Room opens at 7:15.

Program: South Florida is already seeing sea-level rise, bigger rainstorms, and more frequent water scarcity, problems faced by much of the world. Climate change is definitely a factor, but another significant cause is human development choices: urban sprawl, industrial agriculture and forestry, and the highly engineered way we try to control water. We have erased much of water's natural slow phases -- wetlands, floodplains, meadows, and forests -- and that is altering the natural water cycle.

Yet sooner or later, as Erica's book makes clear, Water Always Wins. For us to win too, as climate change continues, we must move away from our controlling ways and instead seek out opportunities to work with water. That means fewer levees, canals, straightened rivers, and dams and more land returned to water for its natural processes. Putting ourselves first is no longer working, because we've undermined water's relationships and natural processes that sustain us.

Speaker: Erica Gies, author of Water Always Wins: Thriving in an age of drought and deluge, winner of the Sierra Club's Rachel Carson Award for Excellence in Environmental Journalism.

Gies is an independent journalist and National Geographic Explorer who traveled to numerous places across the world to see how cutting-edge "slow water" practitioners are changing the culture of the human relationship with water, from oceans to rivers, wetlands, and more.

We hope to see you at this informative meeting!
Signup Instructions: Upon registration Zoom link will be sent to you via email. Please check your junk/spam folder where it might wind up.

Signup Instructions: Upon registration Zoom link will be sent to you via email. Please check your junk/spam folder where it might wind up.


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