Online Monthly Water Committee Meeting
Date and Time:
Thu, Mar 27, 2025; 7:00 PM
- 9:00 PM
(Local Time)
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03/27/2025 7:00 PM
03/27/2025 9:00 PM
Online Monthly Water Committee Meeting
WE RESOLVE to strenuously advocate for permanent water conservation policy.The Water Committee will continue to advocate for permanent water conservation policy in Southern California including but not limited to water recycling and the implementation of purple pipes. Topics of interest also include, water quality, quantity, environmental justice issues, water technology, desalination, remediation and clean up, policies and projects.
3250 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90010, USA
Webinar URL:
Charming Evelyn
Organized By: Angeles Chp Water Comm
Location: Virtual
3250 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90010, USA
Event Organizers:
Charming Evelyn
(213) 385-0903
WE RESOLVE to strenuously advocate for permanent water conservation policy.The Water Committee will continue to advocate for permanent water conservation policy in Southern California including but not limited to water recycling and the implementation of purple pipes. Topics of interest also include, water quality, quantity, environmental justice issues, water technology, desalination, remediation and clean up, policies and projects.
Cost: FREE
Additional Directions: All meetings are currently via GoToMeeting: Please RSVP for GoToMeeting link to meeting
Cancellation Policy: Activity is held rain or shine, but may be altered due to inclement weather
Water Committee Web Page