March 4th Halyburton - CFSC is grateful to host Madelyn Wampler (NHC Sustainability Manager) and Dr. James Gregory (Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Forestry and Environmental Resources, NC State University) for an informative evening.
Ms. Wampler has offered to share her vision and the goals of her office which will allow us, in turn, to develop a strategy that helps her achieve these objectives as well as improving our understanding of county operations.
Dr. Gregory has offered to share his profound knowledge of regional Forest Soils, Watersheds and Wetlands Hydrology in the context of the function and value of these natural resources and the challenges we face preserving them.
Following their presentations there will be a Q & A session.
We look forward to being enlightened by our two presenters, to the extent that we can effectively support initiatives that promote sensible, local, land management.
Cape Fear Sierra Club meets monthly at Halyburton Park. We discuss different topics relating to environmental and conservation issues in the Cape Fear area. Find details - topic, speaker, etc. - for each monthly program at (other events including outings are located here)
Please register in advance - each person should register individually, couples included. Please check in on arrival. Thanks! This helps us serve you and our Cape Fear area better by keeping us informed and keeping everyone in the loop. (We send information about the topic in a follow up email to attendees.)
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Facebook: Cape Fear Sierra Club,
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