Wind Power in Virginia, Offshore and Onshore (Richmond & Zoom)
Date and Time:
Tue, Jan 14, 2025; 7:00 PM
- 8:30 AM
(Local Time)
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01/14/2025 7:00 PM
01/14/2025 8:30 AM
Wind Power in Virginia, Offshore and Onshore (Richmond & Zoom)
Why wind power in Virginia? Where do we stand now? What could the future hold? Our speakers are Eileen Woll, Offshore Energy Program Director for Sierra Club of Virginia, and Dan Crawford, chair of the Sierra Club Roanoke Group, with 14 years of experience promoting 2 major wind projects within Roanoke County. Hear why they're so excited about wind power in Virginia!
Science Museum of Virginia, 2500 W Broad St, Richmond, VA 23220, USA
Webinar URL:
Shavon Peacock
Organized By: Falls Of The James Group
Location: Science Museum of Virginia, 2500 W Broad St, Richmond, VA 23220, USA
Map | Directions
Event Organizers:
Shavon Peacock
(804) 855-8458
1/14/25 7:00 - 8:30 pm FOJG Program - Wind Power in Virginia, Offshore and Onshore: Why wind power in Virginia? Where do we stand now? What could the future hold? Our speakers are Eileen Woll, Offshore Energy Program Director for Sierra Club of Virginia, and Dan Crawford, Chair of the Sierra Club Roanoke Group. Hear why they're so excited about wind power in Virginia!
Eileen Woll is the Offshore Energy Program Director with the Sierra Club Virginia Chapter, where she has worked for over 15 years directing its campaigns to stop offshore drilling and to advance clean energy solutions like offshore wind (OSW). Since 2009, she has led the Virginia Chapter’s OSW campaign and has been instrumental to many Virginia OSW accomplishments to include standing the nation’s first OSW turbines in federal waters, policy supporting 5200 MW of OSW in Virginia’s public interest, and leading efforts to secure diversity hiring requirements from Dominion on its Coastal Offshore Wind (CVOW) project.
Eileen has considerable experience in strategic campaign planning, special events planning and execution, community-based grassroots outreach, and coalition building. Eileen serves on the state’s Virginia Offshore Wind Development Authority, leading its work on OSW workforce development. She also serves on the Norfolk Mayor's Climate Change Commission and the Virginia Beach Mayor's Offshore Wind Commission. Eileen lives, works and plays in Norfolk, has three grown children and four cats. She is equally obsessed with gardening as she is to OSW.
Dan Crawford is the Chair of the Executive Committee of the Sierra Club Roanoke Group, as well as is Conservation Chair and Treasurer. Roanoke Group | Sierra Club Dan has 14 years of experience promoting 2 major wind projects within Roanoke County. Dan and the Roanoke Group have been supportive of the Poor Mountain Wind project and the Rocky Forge Wind, a project of Apex Clean Energy of Charlottesville, Virginia. The site is about 4.5 miles north of Eagle Rock on North Mountain, very remote and highly suited for a wind farm. The plan is for 13 turbines with a maximum height of 643 ft. and a capacity of 75 MW. Apex hopes to complete the project by the end of 2025.
Cost: Free
Signup Instructions: This is a hybrid event. Eileen Woll will be presenting in person while Dan Crawford will be presenting via Zoom. The presentation will be at the R F & P Forum room at the Science Museum of Virginia. If you wish to join by Zoom, register here for the Zoom link and email reminders.