Delaware County Green Team Meeting
Date and Time:
Mon, Jan 20, 2025; 7:30 PM
- 8:30 PM
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01/20/2025 7:30 PM
01/20/2025 8:30 PM
Delaware County Green Team Meeting
Regular meeting of the Sierra Club DelCo Green team
Webinar URL:
Howard Sherman
Organized By: Southeastern Penn Group
Location: Virtual
Event Organizers:
Howard Sherman
Jocolyn Bowser-Bostick
The SC DelCo Green Team is committed to educating people about and increasing the use of clean energy, zero waste solutions, & sustainable policies in all DelCo municipalities and urging these municipalities to adopt their own climate change mitigation/sustainability plans and create an effective EAC if it doesn't have one. Please lend your creativity & input at any of our future meetings and in our ongoing activities to make our communities cleaner, healthier, and more resilient to the adversities of climate change.
The SC DelCo Green Team meets on the 3rd Monday of every month. All are welcome!
Zoom link sent following registration.