A Hike on the Weetock Trail (new date)
Date and Time:
Sun, Mar 23, 2025; 12:00 PM
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03/23/2025 12:00 PM
A Hike on the Weetock Trail (new date)
3.5 mile hike with Croatan Group (non-members welcome!)
Meet at Haywood Landing, Croatan NF
Webinar URL:
Ralph Tramontano
Organized By: Croatan Group
Location: Meet at Haywood Landing, Croatan NF
Map | Directions
Event Organizers:
Ralph Tramontano
(252) 503-6785
A Hike on the Weetock Trail
Date and Time: Saturday, March 22, 2025; 10:00 A.M.
Organized By: Croatan Group
Event Organizer: Ralph Tramontano, rrtramon@gmail.comThis will be a hike of about 3.5 miles in the eastern Croatan National Forest that will provide an opportunity for people to get out and enjoy our natural surroundings and to meet other Sierra Club members (non-members are also welcome!). The name Weetock comes from the original Algonquian name for the White Oak River. The trail follows the boundary between the flood plains of the White Oak River and Holsten Creek and upland forests, passing through a variety of mixed hardwood and pine forests. The trail is mostly flat except when crossing small seepage creeks leading to the main streams. We’ll meet at the Haywood Landing parking lot on the White Oak River (off of Rt 58 between Maysville and Stella) and follow the trail to the junction of Haywood Landing Road (F.S. Road 120) and Rt 58.
Non-members are welcome! Participation will be limited; to sign up, contact Ralph Tramontano,
rrtramon@gmail.com. More detailed information will be given after sign up.
Level: Moderate
Cost: None
Carpool: Some carpooling may be necessary
Note: Carpool transportation is at the sole risk of the participants.
Cancellation Policy: Any rain cancels