I: Quail Mtn (5816') & Upper Covington Flats

Date and Time:
Sat, Apr 5, 20258:00 AM (Pacific) Sun, Apr 6, 2025  5:00 PM  (Pacific)
Time is tentative.

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04/05/2025 8:00 AM 04/06/2025 5:00 PM America/Los_Angeles
I: Quail Mtn (5816') & Upper Covington Flats

Backpack Sat by trail & x-country about 5.6 mi, 400 gain to basecamp (milage includes a 3-mile rt excursion down Smith Water Canyon to a usually-dry waterfall). Enjoy Saturday happy hour and a stunning desert sunset. Sun climb Quail by x-country route (4.5 mi, rt 920' gain), pack out by trail to cars (2.5 mi, 180gain). You must carry all your water for the weekend (about 2 gal).This outing counts as an experience trip for WTC students looking for an introductory adventure to the high desert, bag a HPS peak and visit a secluded canyon. Co-leaders: Cate Widman, Sherry Ross.

2Q5C+GQ Joshua Tree, CA, USA

Webinar URL:

34.00886700,-116.22807200 Cathryn Widmann catewidmann@icloud.com MM/DD/yyyy amOUuwqNAzpGSXwtHmnd12740

Organized By: Angeles Chp Wilderness Training

Location: 2Q5C+GQ Joshua Tree, CA, USA

Map | Directions

Event Organizers:
Cathryn Widmann
   (310) 882-0860
Sherry Ross
   (562) 881-8440

Backpack Sat by trail & x-country about 5.6 mi, 400’ gain to basecamp (mileage includes a 3-mile rt excursion down Smith Water Canyon to a usually-dry waterfall).  Enjoy Saturday happy hour and a stunning desert sunset.  Sunday climb Quail by x-country route (4.5 mi, rt 920' gain), pack out by trail to cars (2.5 mi, 180’gain).  You must carry all your water for the weekend (about 2 gal).
This outing counts as an experience trip for WTC students looking for an introductory adventure to the high desert, bag a HPS peak and visit a secluded canyon.  

Level: Moderate(I Rated)

Signup Instructions: To sign up, please send your hiking resume with references to Cate catewidmann@icloud.com & Sherry chlross@yahoo.com